If their first album was totally crossover, this second one is more Heavy/Prog oriented
1. Godless
2. Closer
3. Drowning
4. In the Way Eye
5. Zootiehead
6. Wisteria
7. Mama, Moses and Me
8. 11 Ton Butterfly
9. Hogwallow
10. Billygoat
11. Hollow
320 Kbps---> MediaFire
Scans included |
underrated band, very underrated
RispondiEliminaI didn't know this band. Thanks for sharing!
RispondiEliminabro how can I collaborate with some albums for the blog? i have a few Spanish metal links to share.
RispondiEliminaToni solo publica registros directamente de su propia colección. ¡Pero puede compartirlo con nosotros publicándolo aquí en los comentarios, si sus archivos son de buena calidad y tiene los escaneos incluidos!
EliminaIf you want, you can share your links in the comments section, so everybody can download. Thank you
EliminaHENRY [2023] [WEB] Minimal Metal - The Pilot (Touchup 2023) [FLAC] by SerenobraK:
can you upload the 1st album, self titled 1991 lp¿¿¿ thanks in advance
RispondiEliminaSi no, en la discografía está incluido: