sabato 11 maggio 2024

Paranoid Agony - A View In Agony (1998)

 Atmospheric Death/Thrash (??) from Austria... this is their only album


1. Intro

2. Prisoner of Egotism

3. The Unknown

4. La Demoralisation

5. Death

6. Diabolic Force

7. Educational Result

8. Synthesis

9. Über den Wolken (Reinhard Mey cover)

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included


Anvil - Speed Of Sound (1999)


1. Speed Of Sound

2. Blood In The Playground

3. Deadbeat Dad

4. Man Over Broad

5. No Evil

6. Bullshit

7. Mattress Mambo

8. Secret Agent

9. Life To Lead

10. Park That Truck

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included

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