domenica 31 dicembre 2023

Carnage / Cadaver - Dark Recollections / Hallucinating Anxiety (1990) [Split]

I close this 2023 with the biggest rarity I found this year, and I didn't spend that much 😚😎😛


01. Carnage - Dark Recollections
02. Carnage - Torn Apart
03. Carnage - Blasphemies Of The Flesh
04. Carnage - Infestation Of Evil
05. Carnage - Gentle Exhuming
06. Carnage - Deranged From Blood
07. Carnage - Malignant Epitaph
08. Carnage - Self Dissection
09. Carnage - Death Evocation
10. Carnage - Outro

11. Cadaver - Tuba (Intro)
12. Cadaver - Ignominious Eczema
13. Cadaver - Corrosive Delirium
14. Cadaver - Hallucinating Anxiety
15. Cadaver - Cannibalistic Dissection
16. Cadaver - Petrifyed Faces
17. Cadaver - Innominate
18. Cadaver - Twisted Collapse
19. Cadaver - Abnormal Deformity
20. Cadaver - Maelstrom
21. Cadaver - Mental Abherrance
22. Cadaver - Bodily Trauma

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included

sabato 30 dicembre 2023

Trust - IdĂšal (1983)

 1993 CD reissue


1. Par compromission

2. Varsovie

3. Les armes aux yeux

4. Idéal

5. Le pouvoir et la gloire

6. Purgatoire

7. Le pacte

8. La luxure

9. Jugement dernier

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included


Parricide - Crude (1999)

2020 reissue with bonus tracks...TechnicalBrutalDeath from Poland


1. Conditional Infinity

2. Nothing Twice

3. Narrow-Minded

4. Mad Arrives

5. Indignation

6. Pandemic Destruction

7. Intoxicating Despair

8. Deceived

9. Lofty Rhetoric

Bonus Tracks:

10. I Feel Nothing

11. Deranged

12. Watched (by Shades)

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included

giovedĂŹ 28 dicembre 2023

Rottrevore - Iniquitous (1993)

 2009 reissue with live bonus tracks

1.Jesters of Recession
2.Ceased by Failure
3.Spawn of Ignorance
4.Unanimous Approval
5.Dismal Fate
7.Incompetent Secondary
9.Actions for Loss
10.Crude Domination
11.Unbeknownst (outro)

Live bonus tracks:
12. Clogged Sewer Pipe
13. Ceased By Failure
14. Disembodied

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included

martedĂŹ 26 dicembre 2023

Tankwart - Aufgetankt (1994)

 I'm sure you have already seen this band elsewhere... sounds like a sort of fun project


1. Liebesspieler

2. Pogo in Togo

3. Hurra, Hurra, die Schule brennt

4. Herr D.

5. Sternenhimmel

6. König von Deutschland

7. Elke

8. Skandal im Sperrbezirk

9. Billiger Slogan

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included

domenica 24 dicembre 2023

Tyrant - Blind Revolution (1990)

Originally this album came out in 1988 with  different cover and title (Ruling The World). This version is part of the "MetalMania" series


1. Burn You

2. Blind Revolution

3. Set 'Em on Fire

4. Killing the Peace We Fall

5. Wild Cats

6. She Makes Me Hot (Hot)

7. Wild and Free

8. Ruling the World

9. Beat It

10. On the Wings of Endless

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included

sabato 23 dicembre 2023

Grinder - Dawn For The Living (1988)

 2015 reissue with bonus tracks

1. Obsession
2. Dawn for the Living
3. Sinners Exile
4. Magician
5. Frenzied Hatred
6. Dying Flesh
7. Delirium
8. Traitor
9. F.O.A.D.

Bonus trax:
10. Traitor (Live) 
11. Just Another Scar (Live) 
12. Dawn for the Living (Live)
13. F.O.A.D. (Live)
14. Drifting for 99 Seconds
15. Superior Being
16. Pavement Tango
17. The Nothing Song 

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included


HĂ€mmer - Terror (1992)

2021 reissue


1. Terror

2. Streetfighter

3. Shut Up

4. Inside Looking Out (Grand Funk Railroad cover)

5. Monsters

6. Angels Wrath

7. This Is War

8. Old Man

9. Stick the Banner

10. Man in the Mirror (Unpublished demo, 1991) 

320  Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included

giovedĂŹ 21 dicembre 2023

Korova - Dead Like An Angel (1998)

 Avantgarde Black for lovers of Arcturus, Covenant (Nexus Polaris) or bands like those


1. Europa in Flammen

2. Strangulation Alpha

3. Our Reality Dissolves

4. Trip to the Bleeding Planets (Unto the Light)

5. Dead like an Angel

6. Echoworld Caravans

7. Der Schlafmann kommt

8. Tantra-Nove-Hypercannibalism

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included

martedĂŹ 19 dicembre 2023

Hurricane - Over The Edge (1988)

 Hard Rock/Melodic Heavy


01 - Over the Edge

02 - I'm Eighteen (Alice Cooper cover)

03 - I'm on to You

04 - Messin' with a Hurricane

05 - Insane

06 - We Are Strong

07 - Spark in My Heart

08 - Give Me an Inch (Robert Palmer cover)

09 - Shout

10 - Baby Snakes

I'm On To You is surely their biggest hit

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included

domenica 17 dicembre 2023

Graveyard Rodeo - Sowing Discord In The Haunts Of Man (1993)

 Strange mix of Heavy, Sludge, Hardcore and Doom...

1.Behind Enemy Lines
2.My God
4.Internal Damage
5.Bad Seed
6.Cell XIII
7.The Truth Is In The Gas Chamber
8.Future Of The Carcass
9.Kommon Knowledge
10.Graveyard Rodeo

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included

sabato 16 dicembre 2023

Deathrow - Deception Ignored (1988)

 2013 reissue

01. Events in concealment
02. The deathwish
03. Triocton.
04. N.L.Y.H.
05. Watching the world
06. Narcotic
07. Machinery
08. Bureaucrazy

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included


Poltergeist - Depression (1989)

2022 reissue... Progressive Thrash from Switzerland, debut album


1. Three Hills

2. Depression

3. Inner Space

4. Writing on the Wall

5. Wheels of Sansara

6. You've Learned Your Lesson

7. Prophet

8. Ziita

9. Shooting Star

10.   Strutter (Kiss cover)

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included

giovedĂŹ 14 dicembre 2023

Nightshade - Dead Of Night (1991)

 Formerly Q5

1. Surrender
2. Dead Of Night
3. Situation Critical
4. Into Knightshade
5. Rock You Sinners
6. Somebody's Watching You
7. Violent Times
8. Last Train Home
9. Still In Love With You
10. Prophecy 1616

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included

martedĂŹ 12 dicembre 2023

Torchure - The Essence (1993)

 2014 reissue with different artwork, and bonus tracks

1 Invisible Truth
2 Sense Of Death (intro) / Sinister Seduction
3 Voice Of Power
4 Terminus (intro) / No Rest In Peace
5 Between The Urges
6 The Essence
7 Cry Of Madness
8 X (intro) / Traces
9 Lost Souls

10 Between The Urges (bonus track)
11 Sinister Seduction (bonus track)

320 Kbps---> MEGA 

Scans included

domenica 10 dicembre 2023

Queensrÿche – Screaming Laughter (1989) [Bootleg]

 Horrible sounding bootleg, but a nice rarity... in my opinion, the best period of this band


1 Nightrider

2 Prophecy

3 Deliverance

4 Child Of Fire

5 En Force

6 Blinded

7 The Lady Wore Black

8 Warning

9 Take Hold Of The Flame

10 Queen Of The Reich

11 Operation: Mindcrime

12 Speak

13 Spreading The Disease

14 Spreading The Disease (continued)

15 Take Hold Of The Flame

16 The Needle Lies

live album, radio station use only

1-10: recorded at nihon seinen-kan, tokyo, japan 1985

11-16 recorded march 12 1989 at the spectrum, Philadelphia

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included

sabato 9 dicembre 2023

Edge Of Sanity - Nothing But Death Remains (1991)


1. Tales...
2. Human Aberration
3. Maze Of Existence (Epidemic Reign Part I)
4. The Dead
5. Decepted By The Cross
6. Angel Of Distress
7. Impulsive Necroplasma (Epidemic Reign Part II)
8. Immortal Souls

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included


Holocausto - Campo De ExtermĂ­nio (1987)

2021 CD reissue


1. Intro

2. Campo de ExtermĂ­nio

3. Forças Terroristas

4. ScĂłria

5. Facção Revolucionåria Armada

6. Regimento da Morte

7. III Reich

8. VietnĂŁ

9. Guerrilheiro Suicida

10. Setembro Negro

11. Massacre  (bonus track)

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included

giovedĂŹ 7 dicembre 2023

Evol - Dreamquest (1996)


1. Dreamquest
2. Sad Doom Of A Dark Soul
3. Sona-Nyl
4. Flying With The Night-Gaunts
5. CelephaĐżs
6. The Ancient King Of Ice
7. Sarkomand
8. Darkmere (The Heart Of Darkness)
9. Ulthar
10. Dark Stairs Of R'Lyeh (The Grey Temple Of Leng)
11. Cathuria
12. The Black Crystal Of Astar
13. ...Verso La CittĂ  Del Tramonto

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included

martedĂŹ 5 dicembre 2023

Flames - Summon The Dead / Last Prophecy (2001)

Reissue of 2 albums in one CD: Summon The Dead (1988) & Last Prophecy (1989)


Summon The Dead
1.Eastern Front
2.Summon The Dead
3.Kill For Mummy
4.Alcoholic & Beer
5.Legend Il (The Demon's Mind)
6.Legions Of Death
9.Ballad Of A Skinbeating Maniac

Last Prophecy
12.Agnostic Front
13.Destiny Of Hate
14.Red Terror
16.Acid Rain
17.Drinking All Night

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included

domenica 3 dicembre 2023

Various Artists - Redrum (1993)

 The Roadrunner (Australasia) Compilation

1      Allegiance     Morally Justified
2      Alchemist      Escapism      
3      Toxaemia      Constrictive Reality   
4      Frozen Doberman        Dying Phase
5      Shihad      What We Get    
6      Captain Trips       Cenobite Kick    
7      Sweet Cyanide     Conformation    
8      Grungeon        Rise Above
9      Suffrance        Darkness Visible      
10    Mass Confusion   Son Of An Inch   
11    Sadistik Exekution         Ipsissimus 
12    Rue Morgue  Romance Of Death   
13    Persecution   Wargod
14    Witches Hex Defiance Of The Gods       
15    Hecatomb      Never Ending Terror

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included

sabato 2 dicembre 2023

Unleashed Power - Quintet Of Spheres (1993)

 Progressive/Heavy from Denmark

01. I.O.D.
02. Blindfolded
03. The Devour
04. Entombed
05. The Envoy of Sophistry
06. Quintet of Spheres
07. It's About Hypocrites
08. Hibernate
09. Dejected Spirits
10. Unleashed Power

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included


Piledriver - Stay Ugly (1986)

2022 double CD reissue


CD1 - Stay Ugly 

1. The Incubus

2. Metal Death Racer

3. The Fire God

4. Chaos

5. The Warning

6. The Lord of Abominations

7. Flowers of Evil

8. The Executioner


CD2 - The Brutally Hideous Version / The Monstrously Vile Version

1. The Incubus  

2. Metal Death Racer

3. The Fire God 

4. Chaos 

5. The Warning 

6. Lord of Abominations 

7. Flowers of Evil 

8. The Executioner 

9. The Incubus

10. Metal Death Racer

11. The Fire God 

12. Chaos 

13. The Warning 

14. Lord of Abominations 

15. Flowers of Evil 

16. The Executioner

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included

giovedĂŹ 30 novembre 2023

Brutal Truth - Need To Control (1994)


01. Collapse
02. Black Door Mine
03. Turn Face
04. Godplayer
05. I see Red
06. Ironlung
07. Bite the Hand
08. Ordinary Madness
09. Media Blitz
10. Judgement
11. Brain Trust
12. Choice of a New Generation
13. Mainliner
14. Displacement
15. Crawlspace

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included

martedĂŹ 28 novembre 2023

Siam - The Language Of Menace (1994)

 Is that you, Geoff Tate????


1. The Language of Menace 

2. Open Your Eyes

3. Signals of Intuition

4. Midnight Connection

5. It Ain't Easy

6. The Search

7. Cato Street

8. The Fall

9. So Wild Is Our World

10. Nightflight to Heaven

11. The Last Sunrise

320 Kbps---> MEGA

Scans included